

Shine Cleaning bases hourly rates on the amount of housekeepers as well as the amount of hours which are found necessary to complete the job due to the volume of work within a single job.

Depending on the job, an initial evaluation may be required in advance to determine this. If it is your first time requesting a clean or you are requesting a move in, move out, or construction clean, please request at least 7 days in advance.

Jobs that require more than 30 minutes travel time will be charged a $15 travel fee.

Check out our Detailed Cleaning Checklists for more info on what you get with each type of clean:
Basic Home/Office Clean
Deep Clean/Construction Clean
Move In Clean
Move Out Clean


Homes & Offices / Basic Cleaning Services-  $45 per housekeeper per hour

(2 hour minimum)

Basic clean of all rooms in your house or place of business

*Cleans of homes/office may require an initial minimum of 5 hours for first cleaning session.

*Organizing of personal belongings is not included in cleaning session.


Move In Clean- $55 per housekeeper per hour

(2 hour minimum)

Deep clean of your new home so everything is sparkling clean when you move in!


Move Out Clean- $55 per housekeeper per hour

(4 hour minimum)

Deep clean of home so you can get your deposit back when moving out or clean up after renters in your property.

*Waste removal is not included in this service. The property must be completely vacated with all items removed.

*A move-out clean will always require an evaluation to determine number of hours and pricing. You must request a move-out clean 7 days in advance.


Construction Cleans- $55 per housekeeper per hour

(4 hour minimum)

Vacuuming, and wiping down all surfaces to get rid of all dust from remodeling and construction.

Newly remodeled properties include detailed cleaning of all surfaces, including vacuuming and cleaning all excess construction dust inside cabinets, walls, floors of living room and  bedrooms. Full deep clean of bathrooms and the kitchen.

**Request a bid for a property/construction clean by calling:


Hospitality Cleans- $45 per housekeeper per hour

Ongoing cleaning for vacation rentals. This service is especially great for Airbnb rentals so that you don’t have to be concerned about keeping up with cleaning for rentals that turn over so often. We will even make sure the laundry is done, free of extra charge!


Real Estate/House on the Market clean:

$50 flat rate: Basic dust and wipe down of all rooms and surfaces for empty or staged house.